Seamlessly connected contract data

Evisort meets you where you work. Connectors and pre-built integrations enable collaboration and data integrity across ERP, CRM, procure-to-pay, cloud storage, and e-signature systems.

Watch this 2 min video to see the magic.

Instantly extract clauses, fields, and metadata from all contract types even 3rd party paper!

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can Start Leveraging the Power of AI.

Take the next step, complete the "Start Here" form so a Solution Team Expert can schedule to show you how hundreds of businesses, legal teams and stakeholders are being empowered with Evisort's AI to work better, faster and more efficiently.
Let us show you one of the 80+ out of the box clauses we have trained or (our preference), provide a few sample docs of your own and we will show you how easily your Legal staff can train and use Evisort with NO code.